
Добро пожаловать в библиотеку HR - Академии!

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Episode 1. Philip Hart, CEO of IT peripherals company WebWare, gives Sales Director Brian O'Dell some bad news.

PH: You what? What do you mean? You’ve lost the DollarMart contract? Oh Brian, tell me you’re joking! That’s our biggest contract! And you’ve lost it! Ok...ok...yes, I know you’ve had some personal problems recently...yes, sure...yes, I know our competitors have improved their offer...but, really Brian, these are just excuses... Oh Brian, come on – y...

Episode 2. After firing WebWare’s sales director and advertising the new post, Phillip Hart and Marcia Boardman discuss the applications and decide on an interview format.

Philip Hart: So, how many applications did we get, Marcia? Marcia Boardman: Well...overall we’ve got over two hundred... PH: That many!? MB: Yes, but...most of which we can discard right away...people who don’t have the right experience, qualifications that kind of thing... PH: Of course... MB: ...and then we get the people who submit ten-page-long CVs, or CVs in comicbook font, o...

Episode 3. Marcia calls two of the candidates giving them details of the interview process

MB: Hi, I'm Marcia Boardman, I'm calling from WebWare. DW: Oh hi, Marcia. Great to hear from you. MB: You'll already have been told you've been shortlisted for interview... ST: Oh... yes... great... hello? Can you hear me? MB: Yes... Is it OK if I call you now? Would you like me to call you back later? ST: Erm, no, no, no, that's OK... MB: Good - well we're very excited about meeting you. OK...

Episode 4. Daniel makes some classic mistakes in his interview

Marcia Boardman: Good morning Daniel! Daniel: Dan, please... Marcia Boardman: I’m Marcia Boardman – we spoke on the phone – and this is Philip Hart, our CEO. Philip Hart: Hello! Daniel: Nice to meet you both. Philip Hart: So it says here on your CV that you’re interested in rock climbing... Daniel: Yeah...love it! Philip Hart: Great – so do I! When did yo...

Episode 5. Sarah goes for an interview with Marcia and Philip

Marcia Boardman: Hi Sarah! I’m Marcia Boardman – we spoke on the phone... Sarah: Oh yes, I remember – I was having a bad day! Marcia Boardman: ...and this is Philip Hart, our CEO. Philip Hart: Hello! Sarah: Hello, it’s very nice to meet you both.  Philip Hart: It says on your CV that you do voluntary work... Sarah: Well, when I have time, yes! I do work at a cent...

Episode 6. Watch Daniel and Sarah make their presentations to see who can impress Philip and Marcia the most

Daniel: When I was asked to do a presentation on ‘Where WebWare is going, and what I can do to help it get there,’ my first thought was simple: me! As you’ve already seen, I’ve got a lot of skills, and the right kind of personality needed to do a job like this... Here’s a slide I made! You see that – that’s my sales team – they love me! Certainl...

Episode 7. Philip Hart and Marcia Boardman discuss which candidate to appoint

Philip Hart: So...what did you think? Marcia Boardman: Well... between Sarah Timms and Daniel Watson – I think the choice is pretty obvious! Philip Hart: Yes – so do I. Watson looked so good on paper... Marcia Boardman: He seemed very good when I first spoke to him too.. Philip Hart: First impressions often lie! Marcia Boardman: Indeed...I think a lot of his CV was – how sha...

Episode 8. Marcia writes an email to one of the candidates giving them the news that they have not got the job

Marcia Boardman: ...ok...ok...that’s great! We’ll be pleased to have you on the team! Looking forward to seeing you next week! Bye! Philip Hart: Was that Sarah? Marcia Boardman: Yes - she’s going to accept the job, and wants to come in next week for a chat... Philip Hart: Great news. Now you just have to tell the other guy that we don’t want him... Marcia Boardman: I ha...

Episode 9. Before accepting the job offer Sarah meets Marcia to try to negotiate on a few areas of her contract

Marcia Boardman: Hi! Welcome to WebWare. Sarah Timms: Thanks, nice to see you again. Marcia Boardman: You too. So, you said you wanted to come in and have a chat before you started... Sarah Timms: Yeah, I just wanted to have a look round and ask a few more questions, if I can...  Marcia Boardman: Sure, fire away! Sarah Timms: Well, I was delighted to receive the job offer... Marcia Boa...

Episode 10. Sarah starts her first day on the job and is shown around the office by Philip and Marcia

Philip Hart: Sarah! Good to meet you again! And welcome on board! Sarah Timms: Thanks Philip, I’m very pleased to be here. Philip Hart: I hope you enjoyed your holiday – where did you go? Sarah Timms: I went to Thailand... it was lovely - great beaches and lovely food... Philip Hart: Lucky you! It’s time for hard work now, though! Sarah Timms: I’m ready for it! Marci...